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Friday 25 March 2011



Sound FX:

The most important sound effect I added was the squelchy stabbing sound. The sound used is similar to the over the top sounds used in other slasher films. It gives the part of the scene where it is used a more graphic and visceral edge.

I used a static sound for the tv to show that something had changed since the victim had left the room. This could create intrigue as the audience may think "that wasn't there before" and so sets them up for the disturbance.

I added a loud banging sound effect to denote someone knocking on the door. Due to it's loud volume it will create intrigue as to the source and the reason why someone would bang so loud in the middle of the night, as this usually only happens in the case of an emergency (police).

I obtained all the sound effects I used from the internet ( and imported them into IMovie.   


Title Music: Interlude with Ludes by Them Crooked Vultures

I choose this song as it has a surreal and haunting timbre which expresses the atmosphere of my film and the mental dissonance of the killer. The lyrics in the first verse ("I've always been behind you, so I think we should meet, I've sharpened my knives, so I'm gonna use them") perfectly reflect the story, characters and mood of my sequence and typifies the themes that are predominant in the slasher sub-genre.

In regards to marketing, the band 'Them Crooked Vultures ' are listened predominantly by white men between the ages of 18-24 which is the same target audience my production is targeted at. Therefore if my film was distributed a soundtrack could be released to accompany the films release.

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