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Friday 11 March 2011

Synopsis - Killstreak

A man is playing Xbox online at home on his own when he hears a loud bang on the door. He investigates the noise but doesn't find anything expect a mask on his doorstep. He goes inside with the mask and places it on the banister thinking that it is a practical joke. When he returns to his room the game that he was playing is no longer on the television. Instead a film starts playing showing a man tied up on his knees with a man in black standing over him wielding a knife. The man in black stabs the tied up man before turning to the camera and pointing. The killer is wearing the same mask that the man found at his doorstep. In a panic the man runs to the banister to make sure it is the same mask that he has just found but it is not there. The killer comes behind him and stabs him repeatedly in the back before pushing him down the stairs.

Original Idea

A blind man is in his home with his guide dog. We see him running a bath or doing domestic chores. His dog senses something and goes to investigate. The blind man is curious as to where his helper has gone so goes to investigate too.
He finds his dog covered in blood and perhaps decapitated. He panics and tries to get up but slips on the dogs blood. He crawls to where he thinks his white cane is. The blind man reaches desperately for his cane until it is suddenly placed in front of him. Just as the blind man grips the cane an assailant stabs his hand with a knife, pinning him to the floor.
The blind man screams and the assailant stabs him again. The killer then proceeds to remove the blind man’s eyes with his knife and the last shot is of the blind man with his eyes removed. The title sequence begins: Gouge
Originally I was going to use this idea for my film but I had to change it due to many complications. Arranging a time when all the actors could be in one place at the same time was one of the main problems, aswell as the fact that even though the dog is well trained it is hard to make him behave exactly as wanted.

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